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A Peak at the Latinx Cultural Association

Written by T Kinkley, Arts & Culture Writer

Students enjoying Lotería sponsored by LCA and Spanish Club held in Rossin Ballroom featuring crafts and bingo during International Week. (Courtesy Regan Carlson)

APR. 7, 2023 – This week, the Red & Black would like to show off the efforts of the Latinx Cultural Association (LCA). With this, an interview was conducted to talk about the goals of the club, the general purpose of the club, and the events that the executive board hosts. Sara Reyes’24 answered these questions to provide information about LCA.

Reyes first explained that their purpose is to give a space for Latinx students to meet and spread their culture to anyone who joins, as well as around our campus with their events.

“Due to the lack of Latinx students on campus, this club is intended to bring more inclusiveness to those who are here and to add on to the diverse culture clubs that are on campus to spread more of our culture!” said Reyes.

“Due to the lack of Latinx students on campus, this club is intended to bring more inclusiveness to those who are here and to add on to the diverse culture clubs that are on campus to spread more of our culture!” – Reyes’24

When asked about the rundown of the executive board, Reyes provided some insight. In her position as the President Intern, Reyes works aside the Co-Presidents, Genesis Dominguez and Montze Osrono. With these three, Saul Martinez serves as the social media manager, Mario Sanchez serves as the treasurer and Aidan Mendez is the event coordinator. Dr. HJ Manzari, an associate professor of Spanish, is their mentor and supervisor.

Looking back at the events LCA has hosted, Reyes mentioned the Dia de los Muertos event hosted in November was a favorite of the Executive Board. Reyes also spoke about an event they are hosting on Apr. 20, called Celebracion.
“Celebracion is an event to celebrate and empower Latinx students,” commented Reyes. “This year, we will have multiple organizations from the community and high school students come to the event, along with W&J students, to share resources for Latinx and other students that want to get involved in the community!”

She also shared that they are purchasing food from a local family-owned restaurant, Boga Tacos, to add to the representation already shown at this event.

Reyes was also asked about her experience in the club, how she came about the club and any other information about how she got involved.

“My initial impression of the club was finding a home away from home” – Reyes’24

“My initial impression of the club was finding a home away from home. I am from Houston, Texas, which is very far and different from Washington, Pa.,” mentioned Reyes. “This club allowed me to build a community with other students and professors involved that were also excited to have a Latinx community and spread our Latinx culture to the W&J campus.”

Looking ahead, Reyes stated that she would love to host more events, specifically informational events to provide more awareness of the things happening within the Latinx community. She plans to do that by inviting more speakers and working with other cultural organizations. LSA would also like to host more events for other identities within the Latinx community that have not already been represented.

Meetings are important when it comes to clubs, as this is where people can provide feedback and bring new ideas to the table. LCA plans to host monthly meetings in the Burnett Center next year, and they will be announced on GroupMe.

To learn more about LCA or follow up on any of their events, follow them on Instagram, @dubjaylca.
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